SHILEY σωλήνας τραχειoστομίας νεογνων χωρίς cuff 4,5 NEO
Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tube Cuffless 4.5 NEO
Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tube Cuffless 4.5 NEO
Code 00732
Part Number: 4,5 NEO,4.5 NEF
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SHILEY σωλήνας τραχειστομίας νεογνών χωρίς CUFF 

4.5 NEO

I.D.: 4.5 mm       O.D.: 6.5mm

  • Shiley™ neonatal tracheostomy tube cuffless (NEO) is made of a soft flange material for comfort and features a lower flange angle to improve fit in infant patient

  • Each neonatal tracheostomy tube comes with its own obturator

  • Smooth, rounded-tip obturator facilitates insertion

  • Latex-free

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